Healing, Permanently, at the Deepest Level


Hi, my name is Antonella Ercolani, BodyTalk, Parama BodyTalk and RPT Level 1 &2 Practitioner and if you’re receiving this newsletter you have had a BodyTalk or RPT session with me and/or you have enquired about RPT courses.

If you’re like me, you’ve tried a lot of healing techniques and self-development strategies, and you found out that some issues kept recurring, no matter how hard or how long you work on them. Like me you’ve tried EFT, Psychotherapy, Reiki, Chakra clearing, Theta Healing, Acupuncture, Homeopathy and so on.

Some of the things you tried cleared some of your issues and you got really excited about it so you tried to work on other things, but you found out that there were some issues that either did not clear at all or that kept coming back, days or weeks after working on them.

You don’t understand, you question yourself or the therapy, either your issue is hopeless, or the therapy is not as good as you thought it would be.

In all my years of therapy and training I have researched everywhere for something that works consistently, permanently, and regardless of placebo effect, and of the beliefs and unconscious self-sabotage one can have.

I have looked for the modalities that go to the roots of the problem, to the hidden iceberg under the symptoms, and the core issues often lie beyond the illness or the trauma that happened to us, and even beyond our childhood programming.

Why do some people clear the same issue we have effortlessly and some don’t?

Why did we go through an event or develop an illness in the first place?

I found two therapies that work consistently to answer these questions and to heal the issues one can have.

The bad news is that no therapy has 100% results all of the time, but a therapy that goes beyond the placebo effect, (if you believe that it’s medicine even a sugar pill works at least 30% of the time) should have at least from 70% to 95% rate of success!

Too many therapies fall short of that and work at 40% success rate, not much better than a sugar pill.

The good news is that both RPT and BodyTalk work on physical and emotional issues extremely well, but if we want to be more specific a scientific study has found that BodyTalk works at least 70% of the time on physical issues (in the case of this specific study pain disappeared or lessened in 71% of the patients versus 30% in the control group
and RPT, (Rapid Personal Transformation) works 95% of the time on emotional and psychological issues according to the sessions I have performed and the results that other practitioners have reported, and both are self-development tools at warp speed!

If you have any issue, for a FREE consultation please feel free to contact me at anto75uk on Skype, and at rptitaly@gmail.com

RPT Frequently Asked Question Part 3 of 3

What physical symptoms can be treated with RPT?

RPT is best described as a technique for healing trauma and permanently changing emotional states. There are physical symptoms or diseases processes that are largely psychosomatic or otherwise caused by or related to emotional states. Examples include headaches, migraines, back, neck and shoulder pain, a wide range of muscular-skeletal problems, and some auto-immune problems. That is not a complete list, just an indication. In our experience, if an emotional state or trauma was a trigger for the disease process then a change in that state can often lead to a reversal of the process.
Quite clearly not all physical problems are caused by emotional states. RPT can still help in these cases by changing the client’s emotional outlook and removing secondary gains or self-sabotage behaviour. RPT can help a client undergoing chemotherapy, surgery or other medical procedures to have a positive outlook and maximise the chances of success of their medical treatment.

What problems cannot be treated with RPT?

RPT is suitable for treating a wide range of emotional problems and some physical problems. In broad and non-scientific terms, RPT helps basically “normal” people to become extraordinary people. In other words, we can help 90-95% of humanity to improve their emotional states.
RPT is not effective for people with mental illness. Most of our trainers are not medical specialists. We lack the specialist skills and training for treating people with mental illness such as schizophrenia, manic depression or serious personality disorders. If you have a serious mental disorder you should not book into a RPT seminar or consultation. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your personal situation or diagnosis if you are concerned whether RPT is the right tool for you.

What is the success rate for RPT?

We estimate the success rate of RPT to be above 95%. This is based on controlled trials with motivated clients who were not paying money for the sessions.
The real world results can vary greatly. For example, a given problem might require three RPT session in order to get excellent results. However, the client might decide after one or two sessions to discontinue the treatment. This makes it very hard to assess the real world success of RPT. We are currently working to design independent research tests to better estimate the real word success rate.
If you are booking a RPT consultation, we encourage you to ask your practitioner how many sessions they estimate will be required. We then ask you to commit upfront to participating in that many sessions. For example, if the practitioner estimates you will need five sessions to get excellent results, please do not quit the process or form a negative view if you did not get the desired results in one or two sessions. Follow the recommended guidelines and will will get you as close to the 95% success rate as possible.

Is RPT a form of hypnosis? Will you hypnotise me?

RPT is not a form of hypnosis. You will not be in an altered state at any time during the RPT session.

How can I learn the RPT technique?

RPT is taught in a workshop (seminar) format by qualified RPT instructors. It is not possible or safe to learn RPT during a private consultation where you are the client.

What is taught on the Level 1 RPT course?

All of the core RPT tools or techniques are taught on Level 1. This includes:
the acknowledgment process (the tool we use to heal trauma);
the process for developing intuition and connection with a client;
the coherence process for clearing the mind and setting clear intentions;
the de-armoring process for removing self-sabotage and secondary gain;
the Triune Brain Method – a process for identifying the instincts holding a trauma in place; and
the time line process for finding the initial starting point or cause of the client’s symptoms.

The Level 1 course is extensive and complete – much more so than the beginner or Level 1 course of any other technique. After the Level 1 course you are able to practice the technique and achieve life changing results.

The Level 1 course does not qualify someone to use RPT as a therapist, nor does it cover the treatment of physical problems, or complex emotional problems such as co-dependent relationships, identity crises, ego and control issues, and other themes which are taught on the Level 2 and 3 courses.

The Level 2 and Level 3 courses are very different to Level 1, focusing much more on applications of the technique and different strategies for personal development and best-practice therapy.

What RPT courses are available?

We have four levels to RPT, plus a teacher training course and occasional specialist applications such as the Manifesting and Abundance Course. The four levels are each very different. Here is a simple overview:
Level 1 teaches the core technique and basic structure. Most importantly it’s the de-armoring process and extended Triune Brain Method for clearing trauma.

Level 2 teaches a new application of the technique known as Re-Conception. It’s way to rewrite the story of who you are and where you come from. Then a new approach to therapy known as the Key Developmental Event (KDE) process is explained. It’s almost the reverse of the usual therapy model. Usually you start with a symptom and find the cause. With the KDE process you start with the known causes and find the beginning. It works because there are 10 key trigger points in your time line called developmental events which are responsible for a wide range of symptoms. Clearing these points will make a massive difference in your life and solve a wide range of problems. Finally the level 2 course teaches an application of the Level 1 technique known as the Emergence of the Soul. This exercise helps to stabilise the ego and release control issues.

The Level 3 course is our most important course. On this course you learn the “meta-structure” of RPT. This is the way to construct a session in order to heal multiple problems. For example, a person may have physical symptoms, emotional problems and spiritual issues which all interact with each other. Most therapists cannot treat such problems because each session just treats a tiny piece of the problem. On RPT 3 you learn to treat the entire client, to resolve complex problems in simple ways, achieving extra-ordinary results. This course is required in order to use RPT as a practitioner.

The Level 4 course is an extension for advanced practitioners. It contains advanced processes for specialist situations (most notably the Tribal Block process) as well as a different way to apply RPT, using intuition and changes in the practitioner’s emotional state rather than words and techniques.

Is it necessary to take all the levels of RPT?

No, you only need to take the levels relevant to you. That said, it is highly recommended to take Level 1 and 2 together (they are normally taught and offered as a package). It is ideal to take them in one 6-7 day block, or over consecutive weekends. After taking levels 1 and 2 you will have the complete picture of the RPT technique. RPT 3 is highly recommended for those wanting to work as practitioners or for personal development purposes. It is the application of the techniques taught in levels 1 and 2.

Does the course qualify me as a practitioner of RPT?

Only RPT 3 graduates can use RPT as a Practitioner, although if you are a Psychotherapist you can use RPT in your Practice after RPT2, and if you practice other alternative therapies you can qualify as an RPT Level 1 & 2 Practitioner after RPT2

What sort of people take RPT courses?

In general, about 50-60% of students on a RPT course are therapists (psychologists, NLP coaches and a mix of other therapies). The remaining 40-50% are there for personal development or because of a desire to become a therapist.

RPT Frequently Asked Questions Part 2 of 3

What are the tools of RPT? How can I learn them?

RPT is a blend of tools (or techniques) and what we call structure (our approach to therapy). The tools are very simple and are all taught on the Level 1 RPT course. They can be taught within an hour.
The most important part of RPT is the structure. It’s like the difference between having a hammer and knowing where to hit with a hammer. The technique is extremely simple. But it takes some time to know how to use it. For example, it’s simple to heal or resolve trauma using RPT, but it takes time to learn which trauma to heal. (Only a very small percent of traumas actually create symptoms, and to find the trauma creating your specific symptom is a special skill. We call this the structure of RPT).
All of the techniques are taught on Level 1 RPT. The structure is taught progressively over Level 1, 2 and 3 RPT. Each course teaches different structures for use in different applications (such as addictions, depression, anxiety, physical symptoms, etc).

How is RPT different from psychotherapy or other talking therapies?

RPT is heavily influenced by psychotherapy, but RPT itself is not psychotherapy. In particular, RPT is not strictly a “talking therapy.” In psychotherapy the client usually achieves some improvement through insight (which might come from something the therapist says) or through words spoken by the client. Just talking about things is a useful tool in psychotherapy. Neither of these things are required in RPT. It’s not the RPT practitioner’s task to make insights or distinctions (though it can happen). And it isn’t necessary for the client to talk much. In fact, we ask the client to talk as little as possible.
RPT works as a highly structured guided process. The client starts by nominating a symptom or problem. The therapist guides the client through a series of questions designed to find the cause of the problem. The cause is usually something unconscious or forgotten. It may be a childhood trauma but not the sort of trauma which a client would tell a psychologist about if they were recounting their childhood.

How is RPT different from NLP (or time line therapy)?

RPT is not related to Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). There is some overlap in the intention of both techniques (to find the cause of problems). As a result both techniques use a time line approach. However the approach taken in RPT is not Time Line Therapy (a tool used in NLP). Apart from this small overlap, the tools of RPT and NLP are unrelated. Many of our students have also studied NLP and they use the correct tool for each task. For example, NLP has more specialty focus on communication and linguistics. RPT is mostly non-verbal and is more specialised to permanently changing emotional states.

How is RPT different from spiritual healing, energy healing or other spiritual therapies?

RPT is not related to spiritual healing, energy healing or related techniques. There is no transmission of invisible energies. And whilst our results surely look “magical,” we assure you that there is no magic or trickery involved. All of our work can be explained by science and psychology.
We mean no disrespect to people who believe in spiritual healing and energies. We promise you though that once you see what can be achieved “without magic” you will re-consider your approach to such techniques.

Is RPT religious or spiritual?

RPT is not a religious or spiritual technique. There is some underlying spiritual philosophy which guided the development of the technique. This includes a Tantric philosophy of non-dualism. The RPT practises themselves are not based on any spiritual or religious premise.
On the RPT Level 2 course there is an exercise described as Emergence of the Soul. This is the only quasi-spiritual exercise within RPT. If your personal spiritual beliefs allow for the existence of the soul, then this exercise allows you to explore that. However if you are an atheist then you are encouraged to regard the soul as a metaphorical exercise that allows for the dissolution of unhealthy ego. The exercise works on a metaphorical level – the results of the exercise are the same for people who believe in the soul and for people who don’t.

Does RPT work on everyone?

There are some limitations to the application of RPT. In particular, RPT requires a person to feel feelings, instincts and changes in their body. If a person is completely disconnected from feelings, they may be unable to do the RPT process. We estimate that about 1-2% of the population have this problem. If you know that you can’t feel feelings or instincts in your body, please advise a RPT practitioner or trainer before booking into a RPT consultation or seminar. There may be exercises we can recommend to you or alternatives we can suggest which can help you. For people in this category RPT is a useful tool but not the first tool they need in their healing journey.

RPT Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

What is RPT?

Rapid Personal Transformation (RPT) is the name given to a special set of therapy tools and to a new approach to therapy. We describe RPT as the fastest and most effective way to permanently change your emotional state. Do you want to change how you feel about something or someone, or how you feel in a particular context? RPT can do that – results guaranteed!
The RPT tools include “de-armouring,” and “acknowledgment.” The structure of RPT is a series of processes to identify the correct issue to work on, to find the underlying cause of a problem, and to find the emotional causes of physical health problems.

Who developed RPT and where does RPT come from?

RPT was developed by Simon Rose and a group of experts from different fields. A very wide range of therapies, books, techniques and spiritual insights contributed to the development of RPT. They are too many to name here; acknowledgment is given where appropriate in the RPT books and manuals.
The original RPT was developed in Australia, as a blend of Australian and American techniques. After moving to Russia (from 2011-2015), Simon learned and integrated a wide range of Russian personal development techniques and strategies (or European techniques that were not popular in Australia and the USA). The final version of RPT, launched in 2017, is a unique product inspired by the best therapies from all around the world.

What type of problems are best solved with RPT?

There are many therapies making similar big claims. The key differentiating point of RPT is that we get permanent results. No other therapy can claim this. In addition there are some types of problems which are considered by psychologists to be difficult or impossible to treat, yet can be very quickly resolved with RPT. For example, RPT is extremely effective at treating a range of self-sabotage behaviours including procrastination, addictions, co-dependency, poor choice of partner, financial sabotage, and so on.
The problem of secondary gain (receiving a hidden benefit from your disease or problem) is one of the biggest problems in medicine and psychology. It’s the reason that most people don’t get better. RPT solves this problem with a simple process for changing secondary gains. This means that almost anyone with any problem can get better through a combination of RPT and conventional medicine or surgery – RPT removes the emotional sabotage allowing medical treatment to work at its maximum effectiveness.

How do you know that results are permanent?

To the best of our knowledge and evidence, the results gained through a RPT session are permanent. That means, if you feel good after the session you’ll feel good (in the same precise context or situation) the next day, the next week, and the next year (etc). Unlike every other technique or therapy, RPT does not give you a short term euphoric (feel-good) effect which wears off after a short time.

In precise psychological terms, RPT is the first technique which is not a “bypass.” A bypass is a tool for solving a problem or navigating your way around a problem without clearing the source of a problem. Almost all psychological, medical and alternative healing tools are a bypass. That is to say, a problem can be “cut out” (physically, emotionally or energetically) without healing the source of the problem. For example a surgeon can cut out a cancerous tumor, but there’s a very high chance it will come back somewhere else.

Stomach and BodyTalk

Have you ever heard the saying, “you’re worrying yourself sick”? It is related
to the fact that the stomach is associated with worry. When you overthink, this turns into worry.

It’s natural to be concerned about your kids, or passing an exam, or dealing with
a conflict at work

.But if your concern turns into persistent worry then you are at risk for stomach and bowel problems.
• In Chinese Medicine the stomach represents the conscious mind and hence the thinking process.

Thinking is the process of examining every option of a problem or situation; mentally going through the
array of scenarios. However, if this process becomes excessive it turns into worry.