RPT Frequently Asked Questions Part 1

What is RPT?

Rapid Personal Transformation (RPT) is the name given to a special set of therapy tools and to a new approach to therapy. We describe RPT as the fastest and most effective way to permanently change your emotional state. Do you want to change how you feel about something or someone, or how you feel in a particular context? RPT can do that – results guaranteed!
The RPT tools include “de-armouring,” and “acknowledgment.” The structure of RPT is a series of processes to identify the correct issue to work on, to find the underlying cause of a problem, and to find the emotional causes of physical health problems.

Who developed RPT and where does RPT come from?

RPT was developed by Simon Rose and a group of experts from different fields. A very wide range of therapies, books, techniques and spiritual insights contributed to the development of RPT. They are too many to name here; acknowledgment is given where appropriate in the RPT books and manuals.
The original RPT was developed in Australia, as a blend of Australian and American techniques. After moving to Russia (from 2011-2015), Simon learned and integrated a wide range of Russian personal development techniques and strategies (or European techniques that were not popular in Australia and the USA). The final version of RPT, launched in 2017, is a unique product inspired by the best therapies from all around the world.

What type of problems are best solved with RPT?

There are many therapies making similar big claims. The key differentiating point of RPT is that we get permanent results. No other therapy can claim this. In addition there are some types of problems which are considered by psychologists to be difficult or impossible to treat, yet can be very quickly resolved with RPT. For example, RPT is extremely effective at treating a range of self-sabotage behaviours including procrastination, addictions, co-dependency, poor choice of partner, financial sabotage, and so on.
The problem of secondary gain (receiving a hidden benefit from your disease or problem) is one of the biggest problems in medicine and psychology. It’s the reason that most people don’t get better. RPT solves this problem with a simple process for changing secondary gains. This means that almost anyone with any problem can get better through a combination of RPT and conventional medicine or surgery – RPT removes the emotional sabotage allowing medical treatment to work at its maximum effectiveness.

How do you know that results are permanent?

To the best of our knowledge and evidence, the results gained through a RPT session are permanent. That means, if you feel good after the session you’ll feel good (in the same precise context or situation) the next day, the next week, and the next year (etc). Unlike every other technique or therapy, RPT does not give you a short term euphoric (feel-good) effect which wears off after a short time.

In precise psychological terms, RPT is the first technique which is not a “bypass.” A bypass is a tool for solving a problem or navigating your way around a problem without clearing the source of a problem. Almost all psychological, medical and alternative healing tools are a bypass. That is to say, a problem can be “cut out” (physically, emotionally or energetically) without healing the source of the problem. For example a surgeon can cut out a cancerous tumor, but there’s a very high chance it will come back somewhere else.

Level 2 RPT: Re-Conception and Key Development Events

Level 2 RPT is our most popular course because it takes you on a unique journey that seems to turn the very concept of therapy inside out. On this course you will learn how to apply the RPT techniques (from Level 1) in innovative new ways to achieve extra-ordinary results. This is literally something unique – there are countless therapies in the world, but absolutely nothing like this.

The course is broken into four distinct sections which are best described separately:
* The Art of Re-Conception
* The Key Developmental Events Model
* The easy way to heal Birth Trauma
* The Journey of the Soul (a powerful metaphorical journey)

The Art of Re-Conception

Many aspects of our life, health, abundance, relationship patterns and more are written in stone (metaphorically) at the moment of our conception. The story of our conception (e.g. “dad didn’t want a baby” or “mum had a headache…”) forms a key part of our identity. The precise nature of the relationship between mum and dad – how they connect with each other – forms a blueprint for our life path.
In the Re-Conception we create an intuitive blueprint or map for how our parents connected with each other and how their dynamic related to your conception. The RPT tools (from Level 1) are then used to change this story. This means changing your conception blueprint.
The results from this process are remarkable. In fact we use this technique whenever a client has a problem that we can’t solve. If there’s a symptom with no known cause (especially if it’s tied up with their “story” of who they are), this is the technique to change it.

The Key Developmental Events Model

There are approximately 10 key moments that occur to every person around the time of conception. These processes are so “natural” that we never stop to think about them or their impact. These moments include ovulation, fertilisation and implantation. Because these processes are “normal” we assume they are perfect. However in fact tiny “micro-traumas” occur to the sperm and egg (and the fertilised zygote) during their journey. Whilst tiny, these micro-traumas create what are called epigenetic changes (they can switch genes on and off).
In simple words – the journey of the sperm and egg is a hidden part of your psychological and physiological make up. These are the hidden keys to your health and well-being.
Each of the developmental events opens the door to healing and changing a different part of your life. These doorways include:
* healing of sexual, emotional and physical abuse trauma;
* re-balancing of healthy levels of masculine and feminine characteristics;
* releasing parasitic behaviour patterns and protecting yourself against parasites (human or microbes);
* adjusting easily to rapid change and growth;
* no longer feeling a need to hide or be invisible in order to feel safe; and many more.

The best part about the Key Developmental Event (KDE) work is that we already know what the keys are. In every other therapy it’s necessary to spend hours digging to find the root causes of your problems. But with the KDE work, we already know the cause. The only question is “how profoundly are you able to change today?”

The easy way to heal Birth Trauma

The moment of birth is arguable the most defining moment in our physical existence. Although we may have no conscious memory of it, there’s no doubt that this moment had an impact on us. (If you doubt this, just consider: your first decisions or associations about the world – is it safe for me or not? – are made in this moment on a deep instinctive level.)
There are healing techniques devoted just to this question of healing birth trauma (e.g. “Re-birthing”). Generally these techniques require many sessions of heavy breathing techniques – some people find that the treatment is almost as traumatic as the original problem!
RPT provides an incredibly safe, gentle and easy way to heal the trauma of birth. The most important step is to transform your emotional state (as it is recorded in your body’s memory) just before, during and after the birth process.
Some of the most remarkable instant healing (including instant physical changes) that we have seen in RPT occurred immediately after using this gentle birth trauma release.

Journey of the Soul

The Journey of the Soul is a remarkable story that unlocks several key aspects of our personality. These include our ego and control issues, our sense of purpose (or Soul Purpose) and our ability to integrate into our physical body.
To some people the Soul is a vital part of the self, a spark of spiritual consciousness. Others regard it as an illusion or story. Either way (whether the journey of the soul is real or a metaphor), this exercise is a vital part of your self-development journey.
In the first phase of the journey we imagine the soul going back to where it came from, dissolving into nothingness (”like a drop of water falling into the ocean. You can remove a drop but you can never get the same drop back”). For many people this triggers intense ego and control issues.
In the second phase, we imagine the return journey – coming back from Oneness with a new sense of purpose. Many people don’t want to leave – triggering their feelings that they aren’t safe or wanted in this world, or that they don’t have a clear sense of purpose.
In the final phase, we witness the union of the soul and body. Many people live their lives either in the physical (disconnected from the soul and its purpose) or in the soul, struggling with the concept of a physical existence. In New Age literature this latter group are commonly called “Earth Angels.” Common symptoms include uncontrolled gain weight, financial difficulties and a tendency towards co-dependent relationships.
Using advanced RPT techniques we guide you through transforming all three parts of this journey. At the end you will feel very different. You will be able to let go of the unhealthy part of your ego, you will have a new sense of purpose and you will feel good about living a higher purpose within your physical form.

Prerequisites: Level 1 Reference Point Therapy: Healing That Works
Please note that our cancellation policy is that payments are normally non-refundable, but they are fully transferable – e.g. to a later course.

Level 1 RPT: Healing That Works What is it? How does it Clear Trauma Forever?

Level 1 RPT: Healing That Works

The RPT courses are for:

Experienced therapists who want to integrate these extraordinary tools into their existing practice;

People who want to become a therapist or learn simple techniques to help others (friends, children, etc);

Ordinary people just like you who want to improve their own life with these tools (without needing someone else’s help to change).

The Level 1 RPT course introduces you to a radical concept: Healing That (actually) Works! There are two types of healing techniques or therapies: a “bypass” (a shortcut to get a temporary result) and a permanent change. Almost every single therapy that exists is a bypass. That’s why you feel good for a while but the results don’t last forever. RPT is designed from the bottom up to yield permanent results – that’s why we teach all the tools right in the Level 1 course.

There are two fundamental tools in RPT which must be used together to get a permanent change. These are:

* removing the sabotage or secondary gains of a problem;

* identifying and removing the underlying cause of a problem.

The unique strength of RPT is that we solved these two fundamental problems. We can quickly teach you how to dissolve sabotage and find the root cause of a problem. And yes, we do all of this within our Level 1 Course. That’s why we call Level 1 “Healing That Works.”

For the first time, it will!

The full course contents includes:

The different mind centres (extended Triune Brain Model)

How to bring the minds into oneness or “coherence”

How to feel empathy for your client or another person and know their emotional state (the “pretending technique”)

How and why trauma is stored in the body;

How to quickly release trauma from the body without re-living it (the Triune Brain Method and acknowledgement Process)

Why trauma happens and how to prevent it (the Missing Resource model)

The difference between a permanent change and a bypass

How to restore missing parts of the self (feelings, skills, insights) in order to make permanent change and prevent recurrence of trauma (the Extended Triune Brain Model for Restoring Resources)

Secondary Gains – how and why people have hidden benefits from their symptoms and how to remove these (the de-armouring process);

Self-sabotage behaviour – why people act against their own best interests and how to eliminate this (the Sabotage structure

A simple process of Manifestation (attracting more of what you want into your life)

At least two full practice opportunities so that you can experience permanent changes within yourself and practice helping another person.

Write to rptitaly@gmail.com and Discover more at www.rptitalia.weebly.com

Questions you may have about learning RPT: “Not another self development course!” ” Nothing works for me!!” OR ” I’m happy with the tools I have”

Many people when presented with a new technique have one or more of these reactions, and with great reason; there are a lot of techniques out there who don’t work as well as they claim to after the initial “high” you get at the course and a few that work but are mostly either reserved for psychologists and/or don’t have the 95% rate of success that RPT can proudly boast.

RPT is different and you don’t have to take my word for it, try a session with its founder Simon Rose or another RPT practitioner before committing to the course in October if you have a specific issue, if you are interested or just curious.

“But I don’t want to spend money to find out if it’s good or not!”

I have been in your position many times with different therapies! So what did I do?

I researched them and I looked whether the science behind them was sound or if it was just mumbo-jumbo based on ideas that were not backed by the latest scientific discoveries.

RPT is based first and foremost on sound biology, and focuses on deactivating the instincts that were triggered in the moment a trauma occurred and discharging it. Most animals have a natural instinct to do that just after the trauma, but unfortunately human beings have mostly lost that. (read Waking the Tiger by Peter Levine for more info on survival instincts and their role in trauma)

Have you ever seen how a gazelle shakes when she feels safe after escaping a lion? Sometimes this mechanism kicks in in us too but whenever it happens we tend to tell the person to “calm down ” to stop shaking and we are blocking this natural mechanism that is trying to rebalance us.

It is also based on the groundbreaking theory of the Institute of Peak States, but it doesn’t use their methods, which for the most part are experimental and for few selected therapists, (and the only one that is public, WHH is in my experience retraumatizing)

RPT heals in Level 2 10 points during gestation and birth and the trauma therein that have a profound effect on our life and that can spawn thousands of beliefs and attitudes and approaches about life.

It also addresses the secondary gains, the often unconscious reasons a person keeps their problems even though consciously they want to heal. Other therapies do that, but the way RPT does it is much faster and effective than even energy therapies like EFT which may take a full session to get rid of secondary gains, while in RPT that can be done in minutes and the rest of the session is about getting rid of the issue that needs healing. (although sometimes, when the secondary gains are healed the problem goes away by itself)

It also works on physical issues that are caused by emotional problems and stuck instincts, and it ties with metamedicine with this, but as said before it does that in a much faster way than other techniques.

There are a few therapies out there that focus on trauma, but in my research I know of only two that are fast and effective: EMDR and TRE. EMDR unfortunately I don’t know much about besides the fact that the technique works with the ocular movements, I have honestly never tried it, but it has the huge drawback that it’s only available to psychotherapists, a layperson can’t learn it and use it by themselves. I have no idea whether that is a question of safety or not, but in RPT after the course even a layperson with no experience at all can use the trauma release for themselves and for others.

For the psychologists and psychiatrists out there who already use EMDR and are getting good results with it I ask a few questions to which I don’t know the answer:

Does it work 95% of the time?

Wouldn’t you like to have another tool at your disposal to use when EMDR just doesn’t do the job?

Does it work on prenatal and ancestral trauma?

If you have a client with let’s say abuse, do you have to work on each trauma one by one or can you clear them all in one go?

With RPT you CAN clear for instance all the abuse traumas in one go by working on a specific point in early gestation, and then all the following abuse traumas lose charge, completely and permanently. RPT does work on prenatal and ancestral trauma and it works 95% of the time, even with physical issues caused by traumas.

TRE is another effective therapy for trauma, and I have tried it. In my own experience unlike RPT it can retraumatize, and also you cannot choose what to work on.

If you want to get some more info on the science behind RPT Rapid Personal Transformation and on the early development when it was called Reference Point Therapy, you an look at the old blog where you can find great info on theory and also some early practice http://www.referencepointtherapy.com/blog/ Great as it was back in 2009, much has changed and improved and has been added to RPT.

If you want to regain resource states of joy, calm, peace, happiness, love that really last after the course and if you want an extraordinary tool for yourself and for your family and clients join us!

The course will take place in October 2018

For any information and bookings please write to rptitaly@gmail.com

Website where you can find more info on the dates and on RPT and also find videos about Level 1 and 2: www.rptitalia.weebly.com


Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses.
It can be triggered by allergies or infection and is chronic and long-lasting in some individuals

Stuffy sinuses are plaguing you, and you just want to lie down and not deal with anything!

Substances such as chlorine in the pool can trigger chronic sinusitis. Food intolerances are insidious:
you might need to be desensitized to your favorite cereal!

Did you realize that sinusitis could also have something to do with other aspects of your life?

Frustration with the kids – “Leave your sister alone!”
Anger with your boss – ”Where is my raise?”
Being overwhelmed by divorce – ”The car too?”
Inability to face your parents -”C’s make degrees.”
Birth of a big baby – ”Oweeee!
Back injury – ”Why did we move the piano ourselves?

Techniques used in BodyTalk address specific pockets of infection in the nooks and crannies of your cavernous sinuses to break the cycle of re-infection and get you back to more optimal health.
Your pelvic bones, in BodyTalk, relate to the cheekbones that protect your sinuses.
If you’ve given birth, or been in a car accident and damaged your pelvis, this could be causing your sinusitis!
In BodyTalk, which views the person from a more wholistic perspective, we may address the pelvic bones and as a result your sinusitis
will also improve. The focus of your session may not be on the sinuses themselves!

BodyTalk is Whole Healthcare:

The BodyTalk System is designed to address the “whole person”. This means that no aspect of the human experience can be overlooked, whether it is emotional, physical or environmental.
BodyTalk was developed as a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes the wellbeing of any person, animal, or plant.
As WholeHealthcare, BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom,
BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their unique-story

Contact me on Skype at anto75uk and tell me about your story!