Ankles and BodyTalk

Did you know that the ankle relates to decision making? This is why indecisiveness can cause instability in the ankle. Any time you “take a big step forward in life” and are
faced with a particularly big decision – such as moving house, changing your job, getting married – you are that much more prone to twisting your ankle, or worse. This is your body
telling you not to rush into things and even to “take a step back”.

• The Gallbladder and Liver meridians run along the outside/front of the ankle and
are the systems involved in planning and decision making where as the stomach/spleen control

the inside of the ankle which represent the ‘thinking through’ and worrying about things. So when people
have endless worry about a decision this will create instability in the ankle.


Sinusitis is inflammation of the sinuses.
It can be triggered by allergies or infection and is chronic and long-lasting in some individuals

Stuffy sinuses are plaguing you, and you just want to lie down and not deal with anything!

Substances such as chlorine in the pool can trigger chronic sinusitis. Food intolerances are insidious:
you might need to be desensitized to your favorite cereal!

Did you realize that sinusitis could also have something to do with other aspects of your life?

Frustration with the kids – “Leave your sister alone!”
Anger with your boss – ”Where is my raise?”
Being overwhelmed by divorce – ”The car too?”
Inability to face your parents -”C’s make degrees.”
Birth of a big baby – ”Oweeee!
Back injury – ”Why did we move the piano ourselves?

Techniques used in BodyTalk address specific pockets of infection in the nooks and crannies of your cavernous sinuses to break the cycle of re-infection and get you back to more optimal health.
Your pelvic bones, in BodyTalk, relate to the cheekbones that protect your sinuses.
If you’ve given birth, or been in a car accident and damaged your pelvis, this could be causing your sinusitis!
In BodyTalk, which views the person from a more wholistic perspective, we may address the pelvic bones and as a result your sinusitis
will also improve. The focus of your session may not be on the sinuses themselves!

BodyTalk is Whole Healthcare:

The BodyTalk System is designed to address the “whole person”. This means that no aspect of the human experience can be overlooked, whether it is emotional, physical or environmental.
BodyTalk was developed as a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes the wellbeing of any person, animal, or plant.
As WholeHealthcare, BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom,
BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their unique-story

Contact me on Skype at anto75uk and tell me about your story!


Migraines and BodyTalk

Severe, periodic headaches that affect one side of the head or both.
The causes of migraines are complex, varying for each client. Often, several factors have accumulated and compounded over the years.
Based on Traditional Chinese Medicine, BodyTalk looks at migraines in terms of energy. Because all the acupuncture meridians simultaneously move upwards towards the head, when this energy becomes stagnant in the head, clients feel enormous pressure there. They won’t want to be touched, they may experience nausea, and lights or sounds can be disturbing.
The main factor in migraines is stress or trauma, which block lines of communication within the body.
BodyTalk addresses this factor by restoring the communication.
Other common
factors in migraines are:
• Food Intolerances
• Hormonal Imbalances
• Menstrual Issues
• Emotions
• Memories with some emotional charge
BodyTalk takes all the factors into consideration.
It is truly a holistic modality that recognizes the interdependence of all systems within the body/mind.
The BodyTalk System is designed to address the “whole person”. This means that no aspect of the human experience can be overlooked, whether it is emotional, physical or environmental.
BodyTalk was developed as a whole-healthcare system that supports and promotes the well-being of any person, animal, or plant.
As WholeHealthcare, BodyTalk understands the profound influence the psychology of the body has on our health. Instead of focusing on the symptom,
BodyTalk finds the underlying causes of illness by addressing the whole-person and their unique-story
In BodyTalk we ask the Innate Wisdom of the body, the Individual part of the all pervasive Consciousness to lead us to what we need to address and in what way.
This said, these are just a few of the hundreds possibilities of the causes and the links that your Innate Wisdom (IW as an abbreviation) may choose to treat your headaches, often in the context of a wider and more complex session:
You may have a food intolerance and this can be addressed with the Body Chemistry Technique
The hormones may be imbalanced and we may need to work on the endocrine glands at a physical or emotional level for instance repairing an energetic link between two glands so they can exchange information, or removing an excess emotion of fear or anger from an endocrine gland
Emotional issues can be addressed with the Active Memory Technique to remove the emotional charge from traumas or with the BodyGenics Technique to remove excess emotions
A person or a situation may be getting to you energetically and causing the headaches. In this case the General Environment Technique can address this issue
These are just a few of the hundreds of causes of your issues and the way they can be addressed with BodyTalk. Your cause and solution may be among the ones above or not.
Every issue, every person and every session is unique and BodyTalk offers unique and fully personalized solutions tailored to your issue and its causes.
There is no “one solutions fits all” and that is the beauty and elegance and real holistic nature of BodyTalk that is usually not found in most other therapies
You are an unique individual with an equally unique story that needs to be understood and addressed to heal and thrive.
In BodyTalk we respect and honor your story and that is at the basis of our philosophy and our sessions.
Although the causes and solutions above can give an idea of what can happen in a session we don’t have a “one size fits all” treatment and we don’t make assumptions on how one issue should be treated.
In a session I ask the deeper part of you that knows best what to do to come back to health and balance,I ask your Innate Wisdom what needs to be brought up to conscious awareness to be treated
Have a personalized treatment today, experience personalized consciousness based whole healthcare. Contact me on Skype (anto75uk) for a Free Consultation on your issues and discover how BodyTalk can help you!

BodyTalk Distant Healing Studies

Here you can find an abstract of a Distant Healing Study done by the Centre for Biofield Science in Pune on the effectiveness of Distant Healing with BodyTalk along with some Thermal and Bio Contrast and Gas Discharge picture

Here is another study published on the Journal of Pain Management that shows a 71% improvement or disappearance of chronic pain with distant sessions, compared with the 30% improvement of the placebo control group

Why BodyTalk AND RPT, or the reason why I use two different modalities

Why should a BodyTalk Practitioner be interested in RPT as an Other Modality?
While it’s true that RPT in itself does work with traumas, and that may seem redundant (since we work with Active Memory, with the 8th chakra, with Networks and Threads and Search and Retrieval in BodyTalk) it’s really not redundant

1) RPT gives us more knowledge we can work with, more questions to ask Innate, it teaches us about 10/12 points during gestation and the specific trauma that can happen at those points and how it can affect us and our clients in life. Usually clearing trauma at that level clears all subsequent traumas. For instance there is a specific point that when treated clears all abuse trauma of our life, and that’s just one out of 30+ identified traumas that can happen in utero at these point that can clear all subsequent trauma of the same nature
2) It works with and improves coherence and communication, the basis of BodyTalk, of the different minds. We have about 10/12 minds or centers of consciousness (most of which are dealt with in Level 3) and in Level 1 and 2 we focus on the coherence of 3, the head, heart and body minds. As you well know more communication and coherence means better health and it also means better zone depth for the BodyTalk practitioner, who can work with a deeper activation of Innate, a deeper communication. Imagine what the communication and coherence of 3 brains (let alone 10/12!) can mean for you. This coherence is achieved through a technique and through clearing traums in these brains
3) it gives us more information of secondary benefits and hidden gains and how to work with them at a different level than with permissions, it deals with them in particular at a deep level and much much faster than with EFT or similar modalities


4) While in BodyTalk we work with priorities and we don’t diagnose, often a patient comes in with a specific issue and wants both immediate relief and and conscious active participation in their healing. They may not be content to lay on the table and relax during the session, they may want to feel they have an active participation in the healing that is taking place, an active participation that goes beyond the homework that sometimes comes up as a priority at the end of a BodyTalk session. We have all had one session miracles when the patients felt better immediately after the session, but more often than not, unless specific agenda session are a priority, the client leaves the session with an idea of the time it will take for the session to begin yielding results and a time for the complete processing of the session, but no immediate relief. With RPT instead, they will have immediate lasting relief, especially when it comes to emotional issues, and often also with physical issues, and we can also use BodyTalk testing in tandem to select the right trauma to work with, whether there are more issues to work on with either technique.
There’s much more, take a look at and write for more info and registrations at
This is the only training available in Europe (and in the Americas too) in 2018, come and check it out! #RPT#BodyTalk#BodyTalksystem#BodyTalkothermodalities

#RPT #selfdevelopment done right