Level 1 RPT: Healing That Works What is it? How does it Clear Trauma Forever?

Level 1 RPT: Healing That Works

The RPT courses are for:

Experienced therapists who want to integrate these extraordinary tools into their existing practice;

People who want to become a therapist or learn simple techniques to help others (friends, children, etc);

Ordinary people just like you who want to improve their own life with these tools (without needing someone else’s help to change).

The Level 1 RPT course introduces you to a radical concept: Healing That (actually) Works! There are two types of healing techniques or therapies: a “bypass” (a shortcut to get a temporary result) and a permanent change. Almost every single therapy that exists is a bypass. That’s why you feel good for a while but the results don’t last forever. RPT is designed from the bottom up to yield permanent results – that’s why we teach all the tools right in the Level 1 course.

There are two fundamental tools in RPT which must be used together to get a permanent change. These are:

* removing the sabotage or secondary gains of a problem;

* identifying and removing the underlying cause of a problem.

The unique strength of RPT is that we solved these two fundamental problems. We can quickly teach you how to dissolve sabotage and find the root cause of a problem. And yes, we do all of this within our Level 1 Course. That’s why we call Level 1 “Healing That Works.”

For the first time, it will!

The full course contents includes:

The different mind centres (extended Triune Brain Model)

How to bring the minds into oneness or “coherence”

How to feel empathy for your client or another person and know their emotional state (the “pretending technique”)

How and why trauma is stored in the body;

How to quickly release trauma from the body without re-living it (the Triune Brain Method and acknowledgement Process)

Why trauma happens and how to prevent it (the Missing Resource model)

The difference between a permanent change and a bypass

How to restore missing parts of the self (feelings, skills, insights) in order to make permanent change and prevent recurrence of trauma (the Extended Triune Brain Model for Restoring Resources)

Secondary Gains – how and why people have hidden benefits from their symptoms and how to remove these (the de-armouring process);

Self-sabotage behaviour – why people act against their own best interests and how to eliminate this (the Sabotage structure

A simple process of Manifestation (attracting more of what you want into your life)

At least two full practice opportunities so that you can experience permanent changes within yourself and practice helping another person.

Write to rptitaly@gmail.com and Discover more at www.rptitalia.weebly.com

BodyTalk Distant Healing Studies

Here you can find an abstract of a Distant Healing Study done by the Centre for Biofield Science in Pune on the effectiveness of Distant Healing with BodyTalk along with some Thermal and Bio Contrast and Gas Discharge picture


Here is another study published on the Journal of Pain Management that shows a 71% improvement or disappearance of chronic pain with distant sessions, compared with the 30% improvement of the placebo control group
